18, Besant Road, Royapettah, Chennai – 600014
Business logo of Get Fit 360

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How are we different from other weight reduction programs?

There are eight primary differences you will find with GETfit360 compared to most other weight loss programs.

  1. Our weight loss program follows 360° approach which aims at sustainability of weight even after the course is finished.
  2. It is physician-supervised. Our doctors, who are extensively trained in the medical science of weight loss, can treat your weight within the context of your total health profile.
  3. Our program is Group empowered wherein you share, support and follow a holistic approach that includes food, exercise, motivation, mindfulness and behavioral modification.
  4. There is no medicines, no surgery, no products and no starving.
  5. We consistently monitor you throughout the course through our mobile App.
  6. You can use the App and visit us for follow ups for one year after the completion of course.
  7. You will be provided a manual to go through and follow during the course and
  8. A trainer or dietitian will be assigned to you to help and support throughout the program.

2. Do I require a medical health check-up?

Yes. Medical health check will help us in providing you a holistic diet and exercise GETfit360 plan. At the start of the program, we will require you to do it. You can get it done at any place convenient to you or we can arrange for that to be done at a reasonable cost. No fancy or expensive tests will be required.

3. What are the risks of me undergoing weight reduction program?

There are absolutely no risks involved in you undergoing GETfit360 program. You will be closely monitored and guided throughout by a team of medical experts and trainers. If there are associated serious illness like cardiac problems, we will give you more special care to monitor your health

4. How can I get more information about this program?

To get more information about the GETfit360 program apart from what is given in the website, kindly e mail us at [email protected], or call at +91 7550083773 between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Saturday, we will be more than happy to clarify all your doubts.

5. Do I have to take any supplementary products or pills?

No you do not need to take any supplementary products or pills. Our GETfit360 program offers you a holistic diet and exercise program which will cater to all your health needs. There will be no prescribed medications or diet chart but we will very meticulously help you plan your regular diet. If in case you are already on any medications for any ailments, our professional doctors will guide you accordingly. If you require certain medicines to help reduce weight, this will be suggested to you. No surgery or cosmetic procedure will be recommended by us.

6. Will you give me a specific diet regime?

Of course our experts will provide you an individually tailored diet regime based on your regular food intake and requirements. You can sit with our dietitian and plan your own diet program. “Eat what you can, But know what you eat” is our motto.

7. Is the program covered by my insurance?

The GETfit360 program management does not file insurance claims on your behalf. We do not have any tie up with insurance companies. You can however explore these options.

8. What if I am unable to attend on any of the week’s class?

If at any time during the GETfit360 course, you are unable to attend the class, kindly do the following –
  1. Look at the website content
  2. Call your group friend attending the course
  3. Call our number +91 7550083773
  4. Follow the App
  5. Follow the manual
  6. Or follow up with us in the following week
  7. You can attend that week program in the next batch if you need or our trainers can take individual classes at extra cost.

9. I haven’t been successful with any of my past weight reduction programs, can I Succeed with this one?

Not being successful in a few programs cannot put you down. There are many factors that contribute to the success – level of motivation, behavioral change, identification of antecedents, and availability of support to name a few. We have a program that fits each of our clients’ needs, responding to those needs as they may change over time. Our program offers a complete comprehensive feasible approach to attain the goal and sustain even after. The way we have designed the program is to meet the deficiencies in other weight reduction programs. However compliance is the biggest problem and hence most people end up in failure. We hope that we can motivate you enough to lose weight and sustain.

10. What happens after I have finished the GETfit360 program?

After 12 weeks when you finish the GETfit360 program, you will enter the maintenance phase. You’ll continue to contact us and be in touch with us for a year and our team will guide you as needed to help you maintain your weight loss and to ensure you have the best healthy eating, exercise, and behavioral strategies to keep off the weight – for good.

11. What if I fall sick because of dieting or exercise?

You will not be prescribed any crash diet or heavy exercise which could make you fall ill. Our trainers and doctors are experienced in managing each individual according to their capacity and also our group of doctors will monitor you, health wise. We will have your health checked before commencing the program, so that we know you medical problems. Despite this if you fall ill, we will guide you to obtain normal health.

12. I am interested in your program, but I live away from Chennai. How can you help me?

GETfit360 program is designed for people who are not able to visit in person also. Our App will guide you step by step. All talks and sessions are online

13. Should I take supplements to avoid weakness due to exercise & diet?

No you do not need to take any supplementary products or pills to avoid weakness due to exercise or diet. Our GETfit360 program offers you a holistic diet and exercise program which will cater to all your health needs. If in case you are already on any medications for any ailments, our professional doctors will guide you accordingly. If at all you feel anything will be healthy but not weak or ill. Our expert doctors and trainers are available to help you through the course without any discomfort.

14. Can I follow this plan even if I have diabetes and Thyroid?

Yes you can follow the plan even if you have diabetes and Thyroid. Your diet plan and exercise regime will be modified according to your health condition. Our doctors will help and guide you through the course.

15. How quickly can I expect to see results?

Each individual has a different metabolism and our body responses vary. With correct guidance, education, counseling, motivation and group support you may expect to see results within two weeks. But we believe in slow and steady progress. We will monitor, discuss and share during the course and help you achieve your goal.

16. What is Relaxation Mindfulness?

It is integral and crucial to relax our bodies and minds in order to get the best results from mindfulness. It helps manage stress and teaches you to quiet the mind. This results in significant changes in overall behavior and psychological distress.

17. What is Eating Mindfulness?

Mindful eating may reduce the effects of food cravings, because by paying attention to the sensory experience of eating, you begin to appreciate food better. This in turn satisfiesyour food cravingsand you experience more satisfaction with less quantity but healthier foods.

18. What is Metabolism?

Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions that happen in a body to help maintain your living state. All the these Chemical reactions convert what you eat into energy that powers your bodily mechanisms. Metabolised energy helps you do everything- from moving around and growing to thinking and breathing.

19. Should I follow a proper diet schedule to lose weight?

Yes, you must. You definitely need to follow a proper diet schedule, especially if you are prone to over-eating or eating at irregular times. Your diet schedule should be convenient, tolerable, and practically feasible. It should rectify your bad eating habits without depleting your body of energy or nutrients.

20. When following your holistic weight loss practices, do I have to buy any expensive supplements or diet pills?

Not at all. At GETfit360, we do not recommend or sell any pills or supplements for weight loss. We do not promote any fad diets and quick fixes to help you lose weight. Our fitness programmes are based entirely on a healthy, holistic approach. It involves a sensible diet and exercises to ensure your weight loss is controlled and safe manner.

21. What are the health benefits of losing weight naturally?

When you lose weight in a healthy and controlled way, it has immense benefits for your body:

  • Rewards you with a high and positive feeling and improves your mood and your mental fitness.
  • Alleviates pain by reducing the stress to your joints and muscles through a carefully coordinated workout regime.
  • Strengthens your body's immune system and helps to keep the common cold and fevers at bay.
  • Boosts your self-confidence and self-esteem and effectively alleviates the stress you feel about your weight.
  • Detoxifies your skin by inducing sweat that opens up your pores and flushes out the toxins from your system.

22. What can I expect every week from your online fitness training programme?

Your professional fitness and nutritional coach will guide you throughout the program based on their observations, your conversations, and any other data they collect relevant to you. You can expect the following each week.

  • Week 1: Basics of Program
  • Week 2: All about diet
  • Week 3: Burn Your Calories
  • Week 4: Psycho-Education
  • Week 5: Antecedents, Behavior and Consequence management
  • Week 6: The Action Plan
  • Week 7: Mindfulness and awareness
  • Week 8: Self-motivation assessment
  • Week 9: 2nd Month Review
  • Week 10: Medical Education
  • Week 11: Re emphasis on the new lifestyle
  • Week 12: Certification of Course

23. How does your Online Fitness Programme work?

Our online fitness training programmes will put you in touch with our expert team via Skype. Our team will discuss with you to ensure that online coaching is the ideal option for you. Once that's done, we will provide you with spreadsheets and email-check ins to track your progress. We will be monitoring your weight, calorie intake and the number of steps taken on a daily basis.

24. Should I work out at home or join a gym?

You may choose either a home workout or the gym at your convenience, as our programme is designed to cater to both choices. If you choose to work out at home, you will require dumbbells, a treadmill or an elliptical, and exercise bands. However, if you can go out of your home for your cardio exercises, you will not require a treadmill or elliptical. If you are looking for optimum results, we recommend a fully-equipped gym.
© GETfit360 (2025)All rights reserved.