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Overweight, Exercise and Weight Loss - The Conundrum

An obese woman in tanks and yoga pants performing one arm supported leg raises on a mat
GETfit360 Team
January 2, 2022
Est. Reading: 3 minutes

While frequent exercise is known to fight obesity and improve mental health, as little as 30 minutes of physical activity one or two days a week can have benefits, according to 2009 Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. If you're a larger size, gym machines may be too small
for you, and some exercises are just downright impossible. There are solutions to these problems. You can exercise, even if you have to be creative to do it. People who exercised more frequently had a higher payoff in their evaluation-of-life response, according to the report. Once again, there was a substantial drop for those who exercised every day.

Workout Challenges Facing The Overweight

Besides the obvious challenges of being overweight or obese in our world, when it comes to exercise, plus-sized people have even more obstacles getting in their way.

Some of these hurdles include:

  • Gyms can be scary even for the most experienced exerciser. Walking into a room full of exercisers, all of whom seem to know what they're doing, is hard for many of us. If you're overweight, you may feel even more self-conscious, as though everyone is staring at you.
  • Cardio exercise can be a challenge at a gym because some machines are difficult to use or can cause knee or back problems.
  • Swimming is a recommended exercise for obese people, but walking around in a bathing suit causes instant panic for plenty of people
  • Recumbent bikes are another good option for obese people. The problem is, many aren't built with big enough seats, and climbing onto them can be a real challenge.
  • Walking is a simple exercise, but for people with joint or knee problems, walking isn't always comfortable, and some people even experience insults being thrown at them as they walk outside.
  • Getting up and down from the floor is a workout all on its own, and many exercises that require lying down could cause problems breathing.

Problem Center

Many overweight people carry weight around their bellies, which makes some exercises impossible. Traditional leg exercises, such as squats and lunges, are difficult for people with knee problems. Balance is sometimes an issue as well.

Easily Available Exercise Options For Overweight People

So in view of all these drawbacks, how does one get in the 30 minutes of exercise every day?

Personal training is an excellent option for anyone, but especially for someone who's obese and looking to lose weight and get healthy. Fitness studios often employ experienced and more educated trainers, people who may have specialty certifications that can help with your
situation. Another great option is to try exercise videos. You get the guidance of an expert, all in the comfort of your own home.

If you're obese or overweight, you sometimes have to be creative when it comes to exercise.

Get Started, Stay Keyed

There are many people talking about exercise and urging you to do it, but they aren't telling you exactly what to do if you can't do traditional exercises. The key is to find something that is comfortable for you, something you enjoy and something you'll continue to do over time. Remember to get checked out by your doctor before you begin exercising, especially if you have any health conditions or are on any type of

With all of these obstacles in the way, it's easy to want to just give up. However, that's the worst thing you can do. Instead, you might need to find other ways to exercise. Trainers and fitness experts in reputed health clinics offer support for weight loss initiatives. It is best to get in touch with them to start your weight loss journey.

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